Dr. Taina Conrad

I think it is important as a researcher to not only share my research in academia but with the general public as well. That is why I started working with "Friends of the earth" where I was able to reach out to the public about environmental issues.

I think it is especially important to share the knowledge we as scientists gain from our research so that the public can make informed decisions. That is how I came to do a lot of environmental teaching since nothing motivates parents more than their children wanting to do something for the environment with them.

More about my environmental teaching and how you can hire me on the page Hire me.
Here you will find some newspaper articles about my work unfortunately in German. Please click on the picture for a link

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Ein ganz spezielles Schnupperstudium:


Radio Mikrowelle:

Radio Mikrowelle

Was der Käfer mit der Maus macht:


Vom Bienenstaat zum Honigbrot:


Zimmer für Wildbienen gebastelt:


Ferienkinder erforschen das Leben im Boden:


Im Donaukanal auf tour:


Harzer Panorama 5. Mai 2013